Our goal is to have CSU institutions divest from the top 200 publicly traded fossil fuel companies - top 100 coal and top 100 oil and gas.
This means to immediately freeze any new investments in fossil fuel companies, and to reinvest in ethical funds within 5 years of pledging divestment.
After pledging divestment, we will work with CSU institutions to provide accountability on reaching these goals.
appealing to Universities
What we have been doing...
Appealing directly to Board Members of the CSU Endowment funds including trustees and Chancellor Joseph I. Castro
Meeting directly with individual campus administration to discuss divestment
Working with individual campus endowment boards to pass their own mandates if possible
Passing resolutions to support the divestment mandate in:
The Academic Senate (professor's "voice") of individual campuses
CSU-wide Academic Senate
The CSSA (Cal State Student Association)
ASI/Student Governments of individual campuses​
Spreading the word & building the case to divest:
Website and social media presence for the campaign
Gather statements of support from other groups and feature them on the website
CSU-wide decision makers - Chancellor Joseph I. Castro, CSU Board of Trustees, Investment Advisory Committee Chief Financial Officer Steve Relyea →→→ Success! Read more...
CSU-wide Academic Senate
Individual University Presidents and administration
Individual University Academic Senates
Individual University ASI/Student Governments
Cal State Student Association (CSSA)
Alumni (source of endowments)
CSU: Systemwide Investment Fund Trust (SWIFT), Intermediate Duration Portfolio (IDP) and Total Return Portfolio (TRP)
Individual University Endowment Funds
Individual University Investment Portfolios